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Complete the form below to request more information on Attiva™ and our special presentation with Erika Barry NP-C during the Aesthetic Extender Symposium in Miami, FL.
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Collagen, a crucial protein in the skin's connective tissue with a helical molecular structure, is effected by RF in two ways: immediately and progressively, starting from the first session and lasting up to 4-6 months later.
3 RF Wavelengths - causes electrical stimulation of the fibroblasts and myofibroblasts
Mechanical effect - the mini cannula mechanically stimulates cells beneath the dermis that have been affected by the thermoelectric energy
Revascularization - Attiva stimulates stem cells to regenerate capillaries, improving nutrient delivery and waste removal in all cells
Restoration - breaking down the fibrillar fascia and restoring it with new collagen and elastin supports regeneration
Attiva offers patients dramatic aesthetic enhancements to the quality of their skin structure with no downtime, no scarring and immediate results that last.
Join Erika Barry, NP-C and the team from Reveal Lasers on Saturday and Sunday AES in Lounge 3 to learn more about Attiva!
Attiva, from Reveal Lasers, is designed for single-treatment stimulation of new collagen and elastin - with improved microcirculation - via mini cannula-delivered RF
Complete the form below to request more information on Attiva™ and our special presentation with Erika Barry NP-C during the Aesthetic Extender Symposium in Miami, FL.
all fields are requiredToday, I want to talk about how Attiva is setting new standards in our approach…
READ MORE >Supported by eight years of research, Attiva from Reveal Lasers, LLC (Las Vegas, Nev.) is…
READ MORE >Mitigating sun exposure after treatment with aesthetic laser therapies is important because skin needs time…
READ MORE >Click here or call (877) 566-1108 to find out more.